Several years ago I read the book “Feel the fear and do it anyway” by Susan Jeffers, and I plan on reading it again, it was that good! The title pretty much sums up what the book is about… feeling fear, and doing it anyway!
Has there ever been a time when you felt scared to do something, but you did it anyway? How did you feel afterwards?
I remember many years ago being asked to present at a seminar for the company I worked for. At the time, speaking in front of a crowd scared the life out of me, and this is why I agreed to do it.
You see, if you never jump out of your comfort zone, you cannot grow. I wanted to overcome my fear of public speaking, so the only way to do that was to actually do it! I still remember holding onto the podium to keep my shaking body steady, and after a while I began to relax. Despite the fact that I spoke at 100 miles an hour, I actually did ok, so I was really chuffed with myself after that!
While meditating two days ago, I received a message to say I was using fear to hold myself back in one aspect of my business. Unfortunately this message was true! I was procrastinating (another sign of fear) in creating my podcasts and video training and I knew there was a fear element involved. Ok I don’t have the right equipment and I don’t have much spare time these days, but these were just excuses.
So I made the decision to start, no matter how bad the quality of my recording was going to be, and I was going to start with a podcast! This was a first for me, and I don’t really care how bad that recording turned out – I’m just so darn proud of myself to have taken a leap outside of my comfort zone and I’ve created something which I hope will help somebody who’s struggling to manifest what they desire in this life.
If you make the choice to do something you’ve feared doing and it doesn’t turn out perfectly, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you put yourself out there and did something you’ve never done before! If i’m talking about you, then I just want to say a huge “GO YOU!”! Now, go celebrate your wonderful achievement, ok? 🙂
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