Split energy in simple terms, is where you want something but you don’t.
Almost 20 years ago, I walked out of a marriage where I had been verbally and emotionally abused for several years. After leaving that marriage, I was looking forward to meeting someone that would treat me better than my husband had.
After a few months I realised that there was a problem… I was so afraid of being hurt again, that I was both attracting and repelling the thing that I wanted!
I was sending out what I wanted to the Universe, and I was sending out that I also didn’t want that to the Universe, both at the same time! That’s gotta confuse somebody, if not the Universe, right?!
You can see that when this split energy is present, it’s like you’re stuck.
What can be done about split energy?
When working with a client, this is one of the first things I look for. I’m trained in releasing blocks around old limiting beliefs, so I spend some time with my client doing that along with defining exactly what their desires look like.
Once those blocks are cleared, it’s almost like the imaginary force field you had around you, has disappeared! It’s amazing how powerful our energy and the messages we’re sending not only to the Universe, but to the people – including potential suitors – can be!
Can you detect some split energy around any of your desires?
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