When you suffer from low confidence or self esteem, you may find that you become very self absorbed. You don’t do this on purpose, and much of this attention you give yourself is not positive either!You’re usually putting yourself down, or just feeling bad about various aspects of yourself.So how can you change this focus onto something positive?Why not do something for somebody else?This could be something as simple as giving a friend a helping hand, baking a cake for your mother, or even offering your time to a charity.And when you’re shown gratitude for your kind gesture, feel good that you have done something nice for somebody else – you have made somebody smile!What a great way to feel good about yourself and to really see just how good a person you are inside! :)What can you do to make somebody else smile?
When you suffer from low confidence or self esteem, you may find that you become very self absorbed. You don’t do this on purpose, and much of this attention you give yourself is not positive either!
You’re usually putting yourself down, or just feeling bad about various aspects of yourself.
So how can you change this focus onto something positive?
Why not do something for somebody else?This could be something as simple as giving a friend a helping hand, baking a cake for your mother, or even offering your time to a charity.And when you’re shown gratitude for your kind gesture, feel good that you have done something nice for somebody else – you have made somebody smile!What a great way to feel good about yourself and to really see just how good a person you are inside! 🙂
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