The life coach in me has done quite a bit of reflecting today, given another year is almost done – can you believe it??
I’m reflecting on the various areas of my life and where they’re at right now, and I thought I would share…
Finance 7/10 – I’m doing ok in that department. Not as well as I would like to be, but my bills are paid, and I have access to a little bit of cash in the case of an emergency. As my social life isn’t so great right now, it’s keeping this number at a 7 and not dropping it to a 6! I need to get better at saving.
Personal Growth 8/10 – I’ve grown a LOT this year! I’ve learned to be happy just being me. This is the first time I’ve felt truly happy and single at the same time! Woah! I need to start setting more goals for myself.
Health 8/10 – Apart from my bout of salmonella poisoning, my heath is pretty good. I know I need to be more active to get this to a 10. Maybe that’ll be one of my new year’s resolutions… 😉
Family 7/10 – I am spending more quality time with my babies these days, but I don’t see enough of my siblings or my parents, although I expect to see more of my family over the coming weeks with Christmas around the corner!
Relationships 2/10 – Yup, things in that department are not great, but this time it’s self imposed. I needed a good 6 months on my own, and I’m 2/3 of the way through that and feeling pretty good!
Social Life 3/10 – I need to see my friends more. It’s my fault I don’t see them as often as I’d like, and it’s up to me to fix that. Another new year’s resolution maybe?
Attitude 9/10 – I always see the positives in any situation, even if there is no positive to see. I’m solutions focused too, so I never get bogged down in the problem but try to find the solution instead. I think my attitude is pretty darn good!
Career 8/10 – I love what I’m doing right now, I love the challenges, and I love how my boss just tells me his vision, then lets me go and work out how it will be achieved, then usually agrees with what I’ve come up with. I need to get better at mentoring my staff, and maybe that will be another challenge I can set in the new year? 🙂
How are you doing in all of these areas of your life? Where can you improve? What are you doing well?
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