![The secret to living a spectacular life of joy](https://selfconfidence101.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/appreciate.png)
What many of us tend to do when caught up in the reality of life, is focus on the reality of life. It seems logical that we would do that, right?
The problem is that the reality of life is not always what we want and if you’ve read anything I’ve written, you will know that you attract what you focus on, so that can’t be good if you’re focusing on what you don’t want!
So when in the midst of a contrasting situation, a situation you do not want, what should you be focusing on?
Well… if you want to live a joyous and spectacular life, then you really must look for things to appreciate – no matter what the reality is looking like!
Sometimes this is easier said than done. What if your current life experience is terrible right now?
I know from my own personal experience that there’s nothing worse than when you’re hosting your own pity party, when some happy, positive soul pipes up and just tells you to stop focusing on the bad stuff. They have no idea what you’re going through or what you’re dealing with right now, so how could they possibly understand???
Well… I have been there, I have posted many pity parties for myself, and I have also felt the same way about these happy, positive people who attempt to steer my focus onto something better (I have seriously wanted to poke their eyes out!), and knowing what I know now, I realise that they were giving me the very best advice ever.
So no matter how terrible your life is right now, there will always be something to appreciate, and here are some examples to help you along…
- My boyfriend dumped me, but I appreciate the memories I now have, I appreciate the fact that he was actually not “the one” and has saved me time and heartache by removing himself from my life.
- Somebody I loved dearly has passed away, but I appreciate the wonderful memories I have of this person, I appreciate the fact that their energy will be with me always, and I appreciate the fact that they are no longer suffering.
- I lost my job, but I appreciate that the job sucked anyway, or I appreciate that this job had to “go away” to make room for a much better job.
- I lost my home, but I appreciate the fact that I have had a home – many people have never had a home, or that I now have the opportunity to find somewhere else to settle down.
- I am unwell, but I appreciate the fact that this has highlighted to me how important my health is, and how I should take better care of myself in future.
- I am in pain, but I appreciate the memories of how it felt to be able to move freely without pain, and I appreciate that this pain has caused me to slow down, as I now realise I was moving too fast and burning myself out.
And the list goes on. If you have a yukky situation going on for you right now, what aspects of this situation can you feel appreciation for? Write them down, feel the gratitude and appreciation, and allow yourself to shift your vibration upwards, towards a vibration which is more aligned with what you want than with what you do not want.
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