Phew! This is the last of my interview tips posts, and I hope I have helped someone out there to get that job they were hoping for. My last tip is this: Have fun and learn from your experience! While the job hunting process is harrowing at times, you can learn a lot, not only about the job interview process,…
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Interview tips – The actual interview
Here are some points to remember: 1. Don’t speak negatively about a past employer 2. Ensure you don’t interrupt during the course of the interview 3. Keep your answers short and to the point. Don’t ramble on, but don’t use one word answers either. 4. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer/s (avoid staring) and ensure you talk to both or…
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Job interview tips – Feel good!
On the morning of the interview, do some light exercise, such as going for a walk or doing some stretches. Breathing deeply, will help you relax. On the way to the interview, walk tall and smile. By the time you get to the interview, you will feel good. Being nervous is ok and is completely normal, so don’t feel bad…
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Interview tips – your appearance
Your appearance is probably one of the most important aspects when first impressions are concerned. Ever heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”? The same can be said for your appearance at a job interview. Turn up dressed in dirty, unironed clothing to an interview for an executive position, then no matter how well you perform during…
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Interview tips – before the interview
Prior to your interview, find out the name and title of each person you will be meeting with. If you are going through a recruitment firm, they should be able to provide you with this information. Memorise their names so you can use them when appropriate during your interview. Have a great day! Michelle Green