Improving your self-confidence can be complicated and while it may be possible to become more confident with a few small changes in your thinking, in many cases you’re going to have to make some drastic life changes to achieve greater confidence. Here’s your first tip: 1. Remove all the negative influences from your life – how can you feel good…
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Speak up
Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. Start doing this in small groups and build it up until eventually you find yourself in front of a large auditorium full of strangers, while you present at a seminar… (whoops – I’m talking about me!)… Ok, some may still fear public speaking, but others (like me) while still living with this fear,…
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Be grateful
Gratitude is by far one of the best ways to attract more good into your life. Look at all of the good things in your life. Before long, the bad things will start to pale in comparison.
Appreciate the good in others
Compliment others (don’t go over the top!). Acknowledge others for what they have done for you or for others. Show them you appreciate them. Show an interest in them. People love that!
Pick up your pace
People with confidence walk quickly. Fake it until you make it! Not only will walking faster make you look more confident, but if you walk fast enough, you might get a bit of a workout too! 🙂