Even if your relationship isn’t great right now, there are some things you can do to try to turn things around. Often what happens when things are going sour is that both parties begin to feel unloved and unappreciated. It’s common when you’re feeling this way to begin an ongoing cycle of criticism of your man. And he probably does…
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Find a Mentor to Achieve Success
Are you feeling “stuck” right now, wondering what on earth you want to do with your life, but worried you will be stuck what you’re doing forever because you don’t have any other “skills”? If you had told me a few years ago that I would some day be offering freelance writing services to small businesses, I would have said…
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How to “snap out” of a negative mindset
Have you ever noticed when you’re feeling down, that more negative things seem to happen to you over and over again? Why is that? What I have learned over many years now is that you attract what you’re thinking about. So if you’re thinking negatively, then negative things will continue to happen. Even though I’m mostly a positive person, I…
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What to do if a loved one is in an abusive relationship?
If you have somebody close who is involved in an abusive relationship, I know how helpless it can feel to have to sit back and watch the destruction happen before your eyes. You can see clearly what’s happening, but your loved one seems oblivious to what’s obvious to everybody else. And she defends him!!! I was recently contacted by one…
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Even Coaches Need a Coach!
A little while ago I attended an event on mindset and how controlling your emotions can make a significant positive impact in your life. It was during this event that I realised that I KNEW all of the stuff they were talking about – every bit of it! And a lot of the content is what I talk through with…
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