I’ve been on this planet long enough to know that sometimes your guy is going to withdraw. I also know that it’s 99% of the time unrelated to anything I’ve said or done. The problem is, as a woman, I’m usually inclined to worry about this – a LOT! And I start telling myself stories, and trying to get into…
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What to do if you ever feel like you’re not good enough
If you’ve ever felt like you’re good enough it’s because of stories you’ve told yourself, or things other people have said to you in the past – and you believed those things. I had a great family life as a child. I have two brothers and a sister who I love dearly, my parents were supportive and loving, but I…
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Taking your focus off your man – the key to creating lasting attraction
I don’t know about you, but I can sometimes obsess about many aspects of my life, including my man. And it does absolutely nothing to serve me, and in fact makes things harder for me sometimes. So let me give you an example… My social circle isn’t so great, so I do kind of rely on him a bit for…
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Setting clear boundaries in relationships
For many years I was a bit of a doormat. If I was treated badly, I would express my unhappiness about it, but would not set clear boundaries around it. So it would happen again and again and again. I’m speaking from a woman’s perspective here, but what I have learned over the years is that most men will do…
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What is your Plan B?
If you’ve ever read up on the Law of Attraction and other principles relating to attracting what you want, you will understand that in order to manifest what you desire, you must believe without any doubt, that you will achieve your goal, in order to actually achieve it. On the other hand, you can pretty much guarantee that you will…
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