I was at a seminar tonight and was pleased to hear some inspiring stories of people who have achieved great success in a business I am now involved in. A friend of mine drove us there tonight, and on our way home she said a few things which really helped me to see just how important knowing why you’re striving…
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You’re Beautiful – Danielle Aument
I was recently contacted by somebody who wanted to introduce me to a teen pop singer-songwriter Danielle Aument and after listening to her song and watching her video I just had to share. Danielle has just released her new song “You’re Beautiful” with a video showing friends, fans, and family, including some friends who have lost their battles with cystic…
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Your personal development efforts should never stop… ever!
Building your confidence and self esteem is an ongoing process, and once you get there (wherever “there” is), it’s no reason to stop. We live in an ever-changing world, and it’s important and essential to keep working on yourself – forever! I’ve recently become involved in a business opportunity where the company insists that daily personal development activities are essential…
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When you look after yourself you feel better
Before I start, let me be the first to admit that sometimes when I’m feeling down in the dumps, I really do not want to make any effort to look after myself. In fact, I can often neglect my health if things are really bad, but all this does is make me feel worse! You don’t have to look very…
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My 100 dreams
When you have a goal in life, it’s always good to know why you want what you want, and what you will do when you have it. As I work through the paperwork to get started on my new business, I have come across a page where I’m asked to write down 100 dreams. These are 100 things we would…
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