The old me (over a decade ago), after meeting someone new that I quite liked, would think about him almost constantly. I’m sure I was bordering on obsessed, because the guy would consume all of my thoughts all day every day. It was actually quite disturbing! Anyway, what would usually happen, is that I would begin to feel a bit…
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How good do you feel in his presence?
Two marriages, countless dates and several boyfriends later, I’ve learned a LOT about what feels good and what doesn’t, and for most of my first marriage, I did NOT feel good. Nor did I feel good in my last relationship. So why on earth did I stay??? I often ask myself that question, and the answer isn’t an easy one….
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If you look good, you feel good – 5 things you can do to boost your vibe
Sometimes it’s great to just sit around at home in your PJs and slippers, and not have to worry about taking a shower or doing your hair, knowing that you don’t have to make an effort to look presentable. But let’s face it – that’s ok every once in a while, but take this attitude towards your appearance for too…
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Should I initiate contact with a man I just started dating?
I’ve been chatting to some girlfriends about dating, and chasing men in particular, and there was some debate about what’s “ok” and what isn’t when it comes to initiating contact… Some people tell you that initiating ANY type of contact with a man is chasing and it’ll send him running. But I don’t believe that… well it depends… Ok, so…
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When you decide what you want, the opportunities appear!
For some time now I’ve kind of lost my focus on my goals, and this has been due to many reasons, some of which I’ve talked about here. But that’s not what I’m talking about today. I finally know what I want, and an opportunity has appeared! What I’m talking about is what happens when you decide you really want…
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