I love this saying, because I believe it to be soooo true! And there’s a reason for this belief…! Let me take you back almost a year ago… I had finally woken up to myself and walked away from a very toxic relationship which had lasted over 2 years, so I was feeling a little fragile. A male friend from…
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Don’t criticise, condemn or complain
I can’t believe it’s taken me sooooo long to get my hands on “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. I’ve only just started reading, but am loving it already! I finished Chapter 1 last night, which was titled “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”, which was basically saying “Don’t criticise, condemn…
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What is the WORST thing that could happen?
When caught up in a situation where I want to do something but feel afraid, my first thought turns to this: What is the WORST thing that could happen if I did this? If the worst thing that could happen does not involve the sky falling in, the world ending, or some other great world tragedy, it kind of puts…
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I really love your book!
Dear Michelle, I really love your book!! It was great and downright inspiring. I also love the “workbook”, I’ve renamed it “How to become happy”, since it really helped me see things more positive with a lot more confidence. I’m on the best way to confidence, thx to you 🙂 Thank you so much, Yours sincerely, Tam
Great website and really good information
Great website & really good information. I especially like the article on how to start the day happy. 🙂 Every moment, our life is dictated by how we respond to things. The ideas you suggest to help this are great. Kathy