I have the pleasure of being a part of a group of women who regularly share stories of our lives, offering help and support to each other as we tackle life’s ups and downs. Yesterday, one of these women shared a post that I would like to discuss… She started off with this… “Never allow someone to be your priority…
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What causes some relationship problems?
I’ve been thinking all day about what to write in today’s post, and I have struggled! But a friend of mine paid me a visit today, and she told me a few things about what’s been happening in her marriage. She’s had relationship issues for many months now, and she’s attended counseling to get to the bottom of what’s going…
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Nagging vs Leaning Back – what would you choose?
Let’s face it – guys can be clueless sometimes, and often they do things that seem to be with no thought as to our feelings. What’s with that?? So while I’m a huge advocate of keeping the communication lines open, this does NOT mean that I’m all for letting a man know, every time we are upset by something he…
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Why did my man cheat? Some of the reasons behind infidelity…
The first thing I want to say about this is that no man will cheat for no reason. A man who is 100% happy in his relationship and is having all of his needs met, will have no reason to cheat. But all too many men do cheat, so it brings up the question as to why… Firstly, let’s focus…
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Think your job is safe? Think again!
Today I received some news that shocked me, although at the same time it wasn’t completely unexpected. My job was made redundant. For many people, news such as this would be devastating, because what it means is that your main source of income has suddenly disappeared! But for me, I feel mixed. I feel kind of unsettled, because things are…
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