Have you ever had one of those weeks where you’ve lost all motivation to do anything productive, and you’ve really just lost interest in most things? Yup me too! A month ago, I finished working for the company I’d been with for 3 years. I received a nice little payout, but not enough to bring me early retirement (dammit), so…
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Why am I still single??
Since 2010 I’ve spent a lot of time being single, and it’s been an interesting journey. While I believed I was a good catch, why was I single for so long? (I did finally meet my wonderful man in 2016, which is good news!) Anyway, prior to meeting him, I had friends (both male and female) telling me how wonderful…
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Empowerment of women… Is this a good thing?
You may be reading the title of this post, and if you’re a woman, you’re likely thinking “Well of course it is!” On the other hand, you could be a man who’s reading this, and you’ve just managed to free yourself from a relationship with a woman who emotionally beat you into a pulp over many years, and you’re thinking…
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When the Law of Attraction “isn’t working”
How do you know if the Law of Attraction (LOA) is “working”? How will you know that you are starting to manifest your greatest desires? I’m a member of a Facebook group that talks about manifesting these great desires, and I often see posts from people saying “Oh I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do but nothing is happening.” or…
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How can I reduce anxiety and stress, and what does gravity have to do with it?
You’re probably reading the title of this post and wondering what I’m going on about, right? Well… gravity (or at least thinking about it) has a LOT to do with reducing anxiety and stress, as it is all about how you frame situations you are facing. In order to make some sense, I will tell a story now, and hopefully…
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