One of the toughest lessons of my life was taught by a psychologist back in 2000. I had just decided to walk away from my marriage after years of verbal and emotional abuse, and my husband was doing everything he could to win me back, including couples counseling, which is something I had been asking him to do with me…
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The power of forgiveness
Forgiveness is a tough pill to swallow when you’re feeling resentment, hate or whatever, towards another person who you feel “did you wrong”. How can you forgive another who has caused you immense pain? It just doesn’t seem possible! You see, we cannot grow if we do not experience adversity in some way. Sometimes we get hit hard with something…
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Gratitude to raise your vibration
Are you in a funk right now? You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t have the occasional down days, especially when faced with life challenges. Money tends to play a big part in our state of mind and feeling of peace and security, and it only takes one little financial “disaster” to send us into a downward spiral of stress…
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Can we stop abuse around the world?
I recently became a member of a Facebook group which is focused on manifestation and raising your vibration, and what I found to be really interesting is that it seems as though the majority of the members of this group had all come from similar backgrounds. Most had been in abusive relationships with narcissistic partners and many had “escaped” their…
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How to tune into your intuition
I remember several years ago I was dating a guy and a teeny tiny inner voice was telling me “He’s not the one!”. Of course I ignored it, and I ended up getting dumped. This happened three more times before I finally got it! I didn’t realise this teeny inner voice was my intuition trying to tell me something the…
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