It’s normal to feel down occasionally, and as long as you don’t allow these feelings to engulf you, you’ll be ok! These feelings never feel good, but it’s easy to get caught up in them and allow them to spiral, so today I will talk about shifting yourself out of this “down” state. First thing you need to do is…
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Can affirmations help me to attract what I want?
Affirmations are like the 9th wonder of the world (with gratitude being the 8th) in my opinion. The reason I believe this is becuase you do attract what you focus on, and if you’ve written down an affirmation and you’re repeating it to yourself all day, every single day, your focus must shift to that of what you want! The…
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What if you could have whatever you want?
What would your life look like if you could be, do or have anything you want? What if, no matter what you chose to do in your life, you could not fail, and you could have it all? What would you do? Where would you go? Where would you live? Imagine how it would feel to live a life full…
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How to get rid of hip pain
The hips are symbolically attached to moving forward, and hip pain is often associated with the fear of going forward in major decisions, or maybe you’re feeling you have nothing to move forward to. Getting rid of hip pain is therefore often linked to emotional blocks in your energy field, rather than anything physical, so it’s worth looking at holistic…
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What is your why?
How many times have you set a goal or intention, only to drop it shortly after? You’re not alone! I have personally done this many times throughout my life and I couldn’t understand why I lacked the motivation to continue on some pursuits but not others! I eventually worked it out, and it comes down to my “why”… Why do…
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