Do you want to know how to attract miracles into your life? It starts with asking. Ask for a miracle to appear in your life, trust that it will be delivered in a surprising way, and then let it go.
The last two days I’ve listened to a guided meditation morning and night, and during that meditation we are instructed to ask for a “miracle” (that’s what I call it – I can’t remember off hand what he says we are supposed to be asking for!), and that it will appear in an unexpected way!
This morning, after listening to it again, I realised that yesterday my request had been answered – with a bunch of rocks balanced on top of each other (see my previous post!)!
Then today I asked for another miracle, and what did I receive? An echidna!!!
Let me give you a bit of a back story…
We moved into our home in March 2017 and we were aware of the vast array of wildlife in this area. One day, my fella and his kids came across an echidna. I was at work and was VERY disappointed I wasn’t here to see it. I’ve been (im)patiently waiting to meet a local echidna in person ever since!
So after four or so years of waiting, I was finally gifted with my close encounter today, and to say I’m happy about this is an understatement!
I did a happy dance in the middle of the road! These guys are quite common but they’re not commonly seen, but today was an exception! Yay!
Here’s a little video I did up about the power of asking for miracles. I hope you like!
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