I’ve posted before about forgiveness, but for many people, forgiving someone is much harder than it looks, especially if they hurt you really badly.
I’ve said it before that forgiveness was not about condoning what they did – it’s about setting yourself free from your negative feelings about that person and the things that they did. But is that enough to allow yourself the freedom of forgiveness?
For many people it’s not, so today I’m hoping that what I’m going to tell you will help you to forgive that person, because I believe that what they have done was a very small part of the big picture, and it happened in order to help you grow!
I’m going to delve into something I’ve not really touched on before, and for some of you, it may seem a bit “woo-woo”, but I don’t care!
Last year I began a process of intense learning about energy healing, past lives, our higher self, and so much more. I’ve realised that this information is everywhere I look – and they’re all telling the same story, so I feel I have no option but to embrace this information, because it’s life-changing.
So here it is:
In a nutshell, we are all members of various soul groups, and each soul points to an “over-soul”, which points us to our higher selves.
Have you ever met someone and immediately clicked with them and thought it was like you’d known each other forever? It’s likely this person is a part of your soul group and you’ve met before in previous lives! Freaky huh?
Ok, back to the topic of this post. So before we are born, we make “deals” or “sign contracts” with the other members of our soul groups. Here we will agree on the types of lessons you are going to learn in the next life, so we can grow in a spiritual sense, and in these agreements it’s an understanding that the lesson will keep repeating until you finally get it. I’m guessing that various souls will be involved in these learnings, if you’re not getting the lesson!
Some of these lessons are going to be really tough. You may find yourself in awful situations which are likely caused by other members of your soul group, and because you have no memory of the agreements you made with the members of your soul group (because they happened before you were born), you direct your anger, resentment, and other low frequency feelings towards that other person that “caused” the problem. You may also have a whole lot of trouble letting it go.
But what if you are awakened to the fact that these soul agreements exist?
It’s possible that you signed an agreement with this person to teach you this lesson! What if you realised that while you don’t remember making this agreement, it’s possible that you needed this person to put you through this pain in order to help you grow?
My partner was previously married to a woman who put him through hell for years. She’s been horrible to deal with, and has caused him so much grief over the years, it’s a wonder he’s kept his sanity!
Because he’s harboured so much hate towards her, his body is paying the price. These negative feelings fester and grow within our energy, and they stay there until those feelings are cleared. So they’ve created various physical ailments in his body, in his back, his knees, his shoulder, and the list goes on. He now knows these ailments are caused purely from the emotions he’s holding onto and he’s been trying to release them, with only limited luck.
He’s been trying really hard to “forgive” her for what she did, in the sense that while he doesn’t condone what she did, he needs to let it go for himself, because he can’t control her or what she does. But he’s just not been able to let it go.
So the other night I talked to him about soul groups and the contracts made between souls before we incarnate, and mentioned the possibility that maybe he had signed a contract with her before this life, so that she could teach him some very tough lessons. And maybe he’s teaching her some lessons too?
This clicked for him in the most incredible way! He realised that he could forgive her soul, because it was an agreement made with her soul, and he could thank her for the lesson! He is also feel gratitude for the lessons. He can see what the lessons are – he’s seen that for a while – but until now, he’s not been able to forgive, and it’s likely because he was trying to forgive the physical version of her soul, rather than the soul itself.
This completely shifted his mindset around his dealings with her, and his energy has switched into a much more positive vibration. He feels better physically, emotionally, and just happier within himself.
Yes, he still has to have some dealings with her because they have kids together, but he’s now looking at the situation from a completely different perspective. Before his mind was focused on anger, frustration, and just wanting to prevent her from “winning”.
What a difference a mind shift makes, huh?
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