For a very long time I’ve been thinking about how I can best help the most people in this beautiful world that we live in. I’ve done a lot of work with the Law of Attraction, with self confidence, and for a long time I’ve been leaning towards helping people to improve their health, whether it be through weight loss, healthier eating, to increase energy, or purely just to feel better overall, but then there’s relationships too!
My steepest learning journey around health began when I began my Emotion Code certification (I already was a wellness coach, but this took me to the next level!), when I was suddenly faced with the realisation about how “sick” and in pain so many people were – it was heartbreaking to hear of the horrific pain and illness some people had been living with – many for years!
Not only that but I learned that many people are struggling in their relationships due to a number of limiting beliefs and trapped imbalances which are “blocking” their pathway to love.
So… this is where my work needs to be. It is my calling and it is something I feel I must do, and because I have sooo much information packed into this brain of mine, today I will be starting the process of putting a bucket-tonne of this information into packages that I can tailor to my wonderful clients and readers!
I feel so good about this and I know it’s what I need to be doing, so if you’ve been struggling with your relationships, your health or your weight in anyway, stick around – you may just come across something that can help you and potentially change your life forever!
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