Can energy work help someone with depression? I believe it can… There are many reasons why somebody is suffering from depression, and these can include emotional trauma, your diet, your activity levels, and the medication you’re taking to name just a few. The beauty of some types of energy work is that they’re not necessarily […]
How to prepare for an Emotion Code / Body Code session
What’s so great about an Emotion Code/Body Code session (and this includes the Abundance and Relationship sessions too!), is that you can be anywhere in the world when we connect! My sessions are held via video call using Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts or even Facebook video. So as long as you have a computer or […]
Can energy work prevent you from dying?
Energy work is becoming more and more popular as people start to realise that “traditional” medicine is falling well short of where one would think it would be after so many years. So many people are suffering unnecessarily. Yes, life expectancy may be getting older, but what sort of life are these older people living? […]
What is the Emotion Code
The Emotion Code™ is an effective energy-based method of healing, which is designed to help you identify and release trapped energies or emotions which can get caught in your energy field. These trapped energies can play a significant part in your ability to feel and experience joy and success in your life, and they can also […]
Chronic pain and trapped emotions
Chronic pain is no fun and can sometimes be debilitating. But what does chronic pain have to do with trapped emotions? When we experience a traumatic event, or when we feel an extremely strong emotion, if we don’t fully process the emotion, it becomes trapped in our energy field. It can sit there in our […]
Struggling with your weight? Try this!
I’m as inconsistent as they come when it comes to exercise or eating programs, and while I’m not “overweight” as such (I’m a skinny, fat person), I’m carrying more fat than I should. Because I’m tall, it’s harder to tell that I am carrying this excess fat, but I know it’s there! I have tried […]
Having trouble forgiving someone? This may help…
I’ve posted before about forgiveness, but for many people, forgiving someone is much harder than it looks, especially if they hurt you really badly. I’ve said it before that forgiveness was not about condoning what they did – it’s about setting yourself free from your negative feelings about that person and the things that they […]
The best anti depressant in the whole world
Over the last few months, I have to admit I’ve not been overly loving of my body, eating foods that aren’t that good for me, not exercising enough, and just not taking much care of myself at all. I’m sure this is a common pattern for all of us, and it’s easy to get caught […]
What causes illness and disease?
When I was younger, I remember being sick often. I picked up colds every season, I suffered from IBS for some time, I contracted glandular fever in high school, I suffered from asthma, and the list goes on. I look at my life now, and illness is not really something I experience. Yes, I have […]
Energy healing – why did I not know about this??
Wow. I have been on such an adventure over the last couple of months, and I’m going to find it difficult to explain, because I have so much going through my head right now. Several years ago I completed my Life Coaching Certification, and ever since, I’ve been focused mostly on dating and relationship coaching, […]