Five days ago I purchased a guided meditation with the intent that I would do a morning and an evening meditation every single day to help me get myself into the right mindset when I woke up and when I went to sleep.
Since then I’ve managed to do my meditations every morning and night (apart from yesterday’s morning meditation), and it’s like something has “switched” in my life.
Prior to this, I felt as though I couldn’t meditate “properly” (whatever “properly” is!), and I guess I used this as my reason for not doing it consistently.
What I’ve noticed since making this a part of my daily ritual are the following changes in me:
- I feel more positive
- I’m attracting little “gifts” into my life on a daily basis
- I feel lighter and more relaxed
- I find myself more aware when I allow my thoughts to linger toward what I don’t want, so that I can immediately shift them back to what I do want
- I feel happier
- I am finding it easier to visualise my goals
- I feel more motivated to work towards my goals
- Life just feels better!
Meditation is about shifting your focus for a short time, from all of your troubles and worries, and toward the things you want and how you want to feel. The more often you do this, the easier it becomes, and the better you feel.
It really doesn’t matter what type of meditation you do, as long as it resonates with you. You don’t even have to have music playing or to listen to a guided meditation. You can simply just focus on the sound of the air conditioning or the fan, while you clear your mind of any thoughts.
Do this for at least 15 minutes every day, and journal how you feel. I can guarantee you’re going to start feeling better about life! 🙂
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